5 Easy way to motivate yourself 

1.Create a list of tasks for yourself

Keep the list somewhere visible, such as your desk or computer monitor. As you complete each task, cross it off the list. This can give you a small boost of motivation. When you've finished everything, you'll feel a great sense of satisfaction that will keep you going on your next project

2.Break down your work into smaller chunks

You may dread hours of work, but if you break your day down into smaller segments, work can be easier to deal with. Start with easier tasks that you can complete quickly to build momentum. For example, instead of saying, “I have to work all morning,” say, “I'm going to write this report in 1 hour, then I will go to the meeting at 11, and then it will be lunchtime.

3.Make your activities fun. 

you're dreading the task or activity, it can be difficult to start. In this case, find a way to make the task more exciting. You might include other people or challenge yourself in a new way. Mixing things up can also help you get things done.


Working out doesn’t just affect your body. I find that just 20-30 minutes of lifting free weights releases inner tensions and stress and makes me feel more focused once again.

5.Take a 3 minute meditation break

When my mind is a bit tired or perhaps even overloaded my energy and motivation goes down. So in the afternoons – or when needed – I tend to sit down with closed eyes and just focus on my breathing for 3 minutes.