6 Easy Way To Be Good Programmer

1.Choose Your Language(c,c++,etc)

It is the first and very important point to be a good developer.first you choose own comfortable language from the programming language.then start learning on that particular language.

2. Online Researching

Which language you choosen start to research on this language find the tutorial.

To start learning on this platform.

3.Learn From Other

One of the fastest ways to improve your skillset is to leverage the knowledge and experience of people who entered the field before you.you can help with this people to be a good developer.

4. Challenging Yourself

Everytime you make the challenge with yourself you can define the task and take challenge from yourself to complete this task. Untill complete the task don't exist.

It is the best way to improvement yourself


This tips makes you the batter programmers.because when you share your knowledge to other it's gain your knowledge automatically.

6.Practicing Data Structure, Algorithms, and Design related problems

I was thinking of putting that as the second item, but it ended up fourth. In my opinion, this is the most critical of things to do to become a better programmer. Most of the good programmers I have seen and met are really good in data structuresalgorithms, and Computer Science basics.